
khorshid November 3, 2024-9:17pm

hii i feel a bit better from last time but my best friends boyfriend is honestly being really rude to me when ive done nothing to him i gen dont know what i did wrong. also reached out to one of my old crushes to be friends again and he seemed like he wanted to be friends too but then he said he was interested in talking even if were friends. he said i used him for emotional suppoert when we were younger, i honestly think i didnt but i did vent to him sometimes because i was going through things and i trusted him i was and plus i was a dumb 14 year old but whatever i apologized and i honestly feel like such a bad person now i never meant to harm him in any way but i did it without even realizing while trying to get help. everything seems to be falling apart and i dont know what to do its like the more i age the worse my life gets. im so tired. i hate myself for hurting him without realizing. atp i think im the problem. if anyones actually reading this, thank you for reading and im sorry for ranting this website is like my comfort place when i dont know who to talk to and need to be honest. but i dont think ill be making it past 19.

khorshid November 1, 2024-9:00pm

hey so um i dont have anyone to talk to about this but i feel like i fucked up really badly and ive had that thought in for a few years now, i feel like i ruined my life by smoking and it just hurts me i couldve kept so many of my friends and most importantly my best friend. its been a year since we cut all contact and i still miss her and im reminded by her every day i feel like im gonna have a panic attack im scared im sorry im typing so much i need this off my chest i feel like i fucked up so badly and i hate myself for it

khorshid October 15, 2024-10:37pm

hihi this is my first diary post and i just wanna say i feel horrid. lemme explain, ive had this best friend for sometime now and i started having feelings for her and i told her two days ago and she said she feels the same way but then today she told me she didnt see a future with me and it just hurt me but i dont care about that i just want things to go back to normal again but shes acting weird now so idl whats gonna happen im just worried. damn i already feel better if youre reading this and you also feel horrid try writing a blog anonymously cuz god damn i feel like wights were just lifted from my shoulder phew

سلام سلام، این اولین پست دفترچه خاطرات منه و فقط می‌خوام بگم که خیلی حالم بده. بذار توضیح بدم، من مدت‌هاست که با یه دوست صمیمی هستم و اخیراً بهش احساس پیدا کردم. دو روز پیش بهش گفتم و اونم گفت که همون احساس رو داره، ولی امروز بهم گفت که آینده‌ای با من نمی‌بینه و این حرفش خیلی منو ناراحت کرد. ولی راستش اینا مهم نیست، فقط می‌خوام همه‌چی دوباره مثل قبل بشه، اما الان رفتاراش عجیبه و نمی‌دونم چی قراره بشه. فقط نگرانم. وای، همین که نوشتم حس بهتری دارم. اگه داری اینو می‌خونی و تو هم حس بدی داری، یه پیشنهاد دارم: یه وبلاگ ناشناس بنویس، چون خدا می‌دونه چه حس سبکی بهم دست داد.

About Me


hello, I'm a 17 year old persian/Iranian girl who loves coding and making websites like this. I'm really passionate about stuff like gaming, reading, writing, listening to music and my culture(Persian/Iranian). I moved from Iran to NA in 2019, sure I've had some downs since I moved here but ive also had many ups that I wouldnt be able to get in Iran. For example having the freedom of expressing myself by dressing how I want and showing my black hair. It's really not easy moving to another country, for some maybe yes it is easy but personally it opened up a lot of oppertunites for my anxiety to strick me down, however I am in the process of healing :) so if you're reading this and you're also having a similar exprience, just know you are not alone. I know how hard it is.

سلام، من یه دختر ۱۷ ساله ایرانی هستم که عاشق کدنویسی و ساختن وب‌سایت‌هایی مثل این هستم. من واقعاً به چیزهایی مثل بازی‌های ویدیویی، خواندن، نوشتن، گوش دادن به موسیقی و فرهنگم (ایرانی/فارسی) علاقه دارم. من در سال ۲۰۱۹ از ایران به آمریکای شمالی نقل مکان کردم. مطمئناً از وقتی که اینجا اومدم، دوران سختی داشتم، اما در عین حال موقعیت‌های خوبی هم برام پیش اومده که در ایران امکانش نبود. مثلاً آزادی در بیان خودم از طریق لباس پوشیدن به شکلی که دوست دارم و نشان دادن موهای مشکیم. واقعاً نقل مکان به یه کشور دیگه آسون نیست. شاید برای بعضی‌ها آسون باشه، اما برای من این فرصت رو ایجاد کرد که اضطرابم به شدت بیشتر بشه، ولی من در حال حاضر در مسیر بهبود هستم :) پس اگر داری این رو می‌خونی و تجربه مشابهی داری، بدون که تنها نیستی. من می‌دونم چقدر سختی داره.